When you went to college, you probably did so with the intention of getting a job somewhere in the United States. In fact, you might not have even planned to leave your own hometown. However, there is one exciting option that you should consider, even if it will take you out of your comfort zone -- teaching English abroad. These are a few reasons to teach English in Nepal or another foreign country.

1. Secure a Job More Easily

Unfortunately, finding a job can be tough, even if you are well-educated and live in a bigger city. By going overseas, you can improve your chances of getting a job, even if you have just gotten out of college and don't have any experience. Many foreign countries are always looking out for people who will come and teach English, so you can greatly improve your job prospects and help prevent extended unemployment.

2. Expand Your Horizons

There is something particularly special about living and working in a foreign country. If you have always loved traveling, you should consider the benefits of traveling in this manner. Instead of seeing things as the tourists do, you'll be able to live like a local and enjoy all of the food and culture of a foreign land. For those who love to travel, teaching English in another country provides the perfect opportunity.

3. Pad Your Resume

Having a strong resume is important if you want to improve your chances of securing future jobs. Believe it or not, teaching abroad can look great on your resume and can show future potential employers that you are versatile and skilled in helping others in a foreign land. This can be a great way to help make your resume more competitive, particularly if you are interested in staying in the teaching industry.

4. Make a Difference

There are a lot of people out there who live in other countries and who need help. By teaching in an impoverished country, you can make a difference in the lives of people who want to learn and grow. This can be highly fulfilling and can really make a difference in the lives of the people who you meet.

Teaching overseas can seem frightening, and it's certainly a big move to make. However, if you haven't yet considered it, these are just a few of the many reasons why it can be a smart decision to go abroad to teach English.
