Coming to terms with the fact that your loved one is addicted to drugs can be one of the hardest realizations you will ever have to face. Even harder than that, is realizing when it is time to confront your loved one about their addiction. It never seems like the right time to bring up the subject of seeking help to your loved one, however, now is a better time than any. The longer you go without talking about, the higher the chances are that your loved one will be lost completely to the addiction. Below is a list of steps you need to take when deciding to confront a loved one about a drug problem.

Be Sure They Are Sober

Before you strike up the conversation about drug addiction, it is important to make sure your loved one is not under the influence. Being under the influence of any substance will make them less likely to listen to what you have to say. If your loved one is high, they will be irrational and they won't listen to what you say. They can even become angry, impulsive, or violent. Before you talk to them, be sure that your loved one is sober enough to talk about the addiction.

On the same note, you need to make sure you are sober as well. Waiting to talk to a loved one about an addiction until you are drunk will only defeat the purpose of the entire conversation. They will see you as a hypocrite and you will lose your credibility.

Schedule A Time To Talk

This type of conversation needs to be done when the two of you have enough time to actually talk. Sitting down and talking to them about the addiction on whim is a poor decision because you never know what plans may pop up. Schedule a time with your loved one to go out to a quiet lunch so that the two of you can talk, away from everything else, about the addiction. You want to have a two-way conversation, with both of you talking about concerns that you have. Communication is key in this situation.

You need to prepare yourself for the things your loved one will say. Bring up an addiction will hurt them and you need to be prepared for a few minutes of them not understanding where you are coming from. They may even feel betrayed. Be patient with them as they work through their thoughts and emotions. Love them and help them through the process.

Speak Honestly

When talking to your loved one about their addiction, you can not beat around the bush to try to preserve feelings. You need to speak honestly about how they behave and how it makes you feel. If they have hurt you with the addiction, you need to let them know. This is not a conversation to hurt feelings, but to help the other person understand that there is a problem with their drug usage. By being honest, you are making it so they can not provide excuses. You are forcing them to face the consequences of their actions.

Do not look to point the finger or blame them for everything. While you must speak honestly, you must also exercise empathy for them. Let them know that they are not alone and that you understand they are hurting as well. The less your loved one feels alone, the higher the chances are of them actually admitting that they have a drug problem.

It's hard when you have to face the realization that your loved one is addicted to drugs, but not as hard as actually making the decision to talk to them about. Go to the with love, understanding and patience and help them along their path to complete recovery. For assistance, talk to a professional drug treatment center.
